Education and educationists at Dar-e-Arqam are not confined to the four walls of the school. Education is formally and systematically provided with a broad view of the curriculum but it does not end there. In our opinion, it is a continuous process and goes on from the cradle to the grave. Life and its experiences teach us several important facts. Thus we may conclude that the education imparted in formal schools is only a part of the whole and the process is influenced by the religious, social, and traditional background of the society. Therefore, care of this background is a shared responsibility between home and school. Working with parents, families, and the community is considered an essential element of teaching at Dar-e-Arqam.
The development and maintenance of Islamic culture and civilization are basic objectives as the creation of Pakistan was the result of our desire to develop all walks of life according to the Islamic values of liberty, equality, and fraternity. So we believe that education should set forth to equip our students with a moral force and a sense of justice, learning process should enable them to think correctly and behave properly, it should inculcate the spirit of serving the helpless and the downtrodden. Knowledge should be considered as the pursuit for truth and a desire to struggle for the noble causes in the fields of science, Arts, Social justice, and welfare. Therefore, Dar-e-Arqam aims to prepare our youth for their material well-being, but without mad competition and keeping in mind that this world is a transitory phase, a test, and a preparation for the life hereafter.
The curriculum is seen as the whole teaching-learning activity both inside and outside the classroom.
An equal measure of importance is given to:
- WHAT is learnt / taught and HOW it is learnt / taught.
- WHAT is achieved and HOW it is achieved.
Skills associated with:
- Religion
- Human relationships
- Language(s)
- Number
- Thinking
- The eye and the ear
- The appreciation of beauty
- Information
- Making and creating
The curriculum emphasises at all stages and at appropriate levels:
- Religion
- The essence of being a human being;
- The human condition on earth.
- The relation of the individual and society
Admission Syllabi
General Information
- Parents seeking admission to their ward(s) must fill in the Registration Form for each child.
- Registration forms are available at all schools.
- Registration starts in March and September every year.
- They must also obtain a copy of the school prospectus.
- All students must clear the admission test to obtain admission to the school.
- The admission test is prepared by the level of the student.
- Once the admission is approved by the Principal, the necessary fee challan is issued.
Admission will be confirmed on deposit of fee as well as receipt of the following:
For Fresh Admission
- Parent’s / Guardian’s CNIC Copy
- Birth Certificate of the Child
- Two 1”x1” sized latest photographs of the student
For Migrating Students
- Parent’s / Guardian’s CNIC Copy
- Two 1”x1” sized latest photographs of the student
- School Leaving Certificate
- Last Progress Report
Once the admission is confirmed by the Principal, a non-refundable admission fee will be charged for each student. The monthly Tuition fee will be charged according to the area, class level, and other relevant factors. A fee may be varied from branch to branch due to the services provided by the concerned branch. Parents should contact the concerned branch for the exact fee structure. If the dues are not paid by the due date, the name of the student will be struck off from the school rolls and readmission will be administered. The school will formally intimate the parents that their ward’s name has been struck off from the school rolls on non-payment of dues by the due date.
Admission Test
All students must clear the admission test to obtain admission to the school. The admission test is prepared following the level of the student.
- Recognition of capital letters A – Z
- Oral A – Z
- Writing A – Z
- Phonics A – Z
- Picture recognition A – Z
- Look and match A – Z
- Dictation of letters A – Z
- Recognition of numbers 0 – 10
- Writing 0 – 10
- Count and write 0 – 10
- Circle, square, triangle, rectangle
- Recognition
- Coloring
- Concept of more and less
- Capital and small alphabets A a – Z z
- Dictation words (Three letters e.g. box, bag)
- Phonics a – z
- say of “a” and “an”
- Complete the sentences
- Reading + phonics of three-letter words (E.g. dog, bun, etc.)
- Oral counting 0 – 50.
- Writing 0 – 50
- Missing number 0 – 20
- What comes after, between, and before 0 – 20
- Backward counting 10 – 0
- Recognition of shapes (circle, triangle, rectangle, square, cube, cylinder, cuboid, cone, sphere)
- Count and write how many
- Number names 1 – 50
- Adding more and crossing out 1 – 9
چھوٹی اشکال : ا تا ے
املاء : دو حرفی الفاظ
خالی جگہ پر کریں : ا تا ے
- Word building (at least 3 words with each letter) a – z
- Make simple/meaningful sentences
- Picture comprehension/comprehension
- Guided writing e.g. My cat, My chair, Myself
- My school, My classroom (at least 10 lines)
- Pick up Noun, Verb, Adjective
- Vowels and rhyming words
- Singular Plural, Masculine Feminine, Words Opposites
- Days of the week, Months of the year, name of the birds.
- animals, seasons, vegetables, and fruit
- Dictation words (6,7 letters word e.g. horse, table, etc)
- Reading of simple paragraph or sentences
- 2 – 3 times tables + dodging
- Counting in words (one-twenty)
- Circle, cube, cuboid, rectangle, triangle, sphere, cylinder, cone, square
Counting 1 –– 100
- Beginning addition: Addition with number 0 – 20
- Beginning Subtraction: Subtraction with number 0 – 20
- Adding and Subtracting with 0
- Adding and subtraction using the number line
- Making 10
- Ascending and descending order 0 -20
- Backward counting 20 – 0
توڑ /جوڑ
مذکر/ مونث
واحد /جمع
ہفتے کے دنوں کے نام
سبزیوں/ پھلوں کے نام
تصویری تفہیم
مہینوں کے نام
کتاب کی پڑھائی
- 2 – 5 times tables
- Comparisons
- Shapes & their name
- Addition & subtraction with “0” zero.
- Concept of greater “>” & lesser “<“
- Word problem (Numbers to 20) Addition & Subtraction
- Number play: Adding 2 – 2-digit numbers
- Subtraction of two – 2 digit numbers
- Place value: Numbers 20 – 99
- Counting in words: One to a hundred
- Multiplication; 2 – 5 times table
- Division: Equal shares, repeated, subtraction equal group, using the number
- Money: Introducing coins and paper money
- Simple sums with coins and paper money
- Even and odd numbers
- Ordinal numbers 1 – 10
- Definition & examples of noun, verb, adjective, pronoun & preposition
- 3 – forms of the verb
- Punctuation
- Genders / Numbers
- Opposites
- Creative writing
- Use of do/does/has/have/was/were/did
- Jumble up words
- Guided writing
- Comprehension
- Dictations words
- Reading of passage, stories, etc
لفظی گنتی : ایک تا دس
الفاظ /جملے
واحد/ جمع
مذکر/ مونث
الفاظ /متضاد
اسم، فعل
تفہیم عبارت
کتاب کی پڑھائی
ہم آواز الفاظ
Whole Numbers
- Writing number name up to 100
- Recognition of numerals up to 500
- Place value: units & tens up to 400 by using concrete material & pictures.
- Adding T U to T U + H T U to H T U + word problem
- Subtraction T U from T U + H T U from H T U + word problem
- Add & Subtract by m & cm , Kg & g , l & ml
- Multiplication; converting tens and ones & commutative property.
- Linking the concepts multiplication & division facts.
- Long division, word problem.
- Ascending and descending order
- Straight lines and curved lines
- Cube, cylinder, cone, cuboid
- Identifying faces, edges, and vertices of cubes and cuboids
- Introduction of half & quarter & 1 – 3
- Fractions associated with given shapes.
- Coloring the portions of the shapes showing fractions.
- Reading & telling time ___x___ O’ clock
- Names of the days of the week: 1 week = 7 days
- Names of months (Solar Calendar)
- Introduction of currency notes ––––
- Rs. 10 Rs. 20 Rs. 50 Rs. 100
- Rs. 500 Rs. 1000 & coins Rs. 1 & Rs. 2
- To buy & sell by the right selection of money
- English reading book grade 2
- Short fairy tales
- Basic vocabulary & correct spellings
- Writing meaningful sentences with given words.
- Writing a short description of a given topic.
- To interpret a picture or description
- Fill in spaces with suitable words.
- Giving answers after analyzing/writing.
- To judge if a statement is true or false.
- Noun, Verb, Adjective, Pronoun, Apostrophe, Preposition, Punctuation adding a full stop, Comma, Question mark, Capital letters, Inverted commas, Present & past simple and continuous (affirmative, negative, interrogative
کالم ملائیں
اسم، فعل، حرف
الفاظ/ متضاد
مذکر /مونث
(لفظی گنتی : (ایک تا بیس
کتاب کی پڑھائی
تفہیم عبارت
رہنما لکھائی
Whole Numbers
- Even and odd numbers
- Roman numbers
- Numbers up to 6 – digits
- Completing number sequences.
- Assigning number (before –between – after)
- Greater and less than (use of symbols >, <)
- Place value
- Number names
- Expanded form
- 4 – digit numbers.
- Horizontal & vertical addition
- Word problems
- 4 – digit number
- Horizontal and vertical subtraction
- Word problems (without & with the exchange by using concrete & pictures)
- Multiplying 4 digit numbers
- Multiplying by 10
- Vertical form multiplying by 100
- Word problems (by using concrete, pictures & tables)
- The four operations (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division )
- Making bills
- Quarter and halves
- Other functions
- Fractions of sets
- Equivalent fractions
- Proper and improper fractions
- Like and unlike fractions
- Comparing fractions
- Adding subtraction and division of simple fractions
- Concept of points, lines & line segments. rays
- Introduction of parallel lines.
- Knowledge about plane shapes
- Shapes (their properties and perimeter)
- Quadrilaterals
- Telling and reading the proper time
- 1-day = 24-hours, 1-week = 7-days, 1-year = 12 months
- English reading book grade – 3
- Reading of simple fairy tales
- Basic vocabulary, storytelling, correct spellings.
- Writing meaningful sentences of given phrases
- Writing a description on a given topic
- Letter writing, Application writing
- To understand and analyze a passage
- Giving answers about it
- Judging if a statement is true or false.
- To analyze a picture and solving of the given worksheet.
- Parts of speech, punctuation:
- Full stop, commas, question marks, capital letters, inverted commas. singular & plural, word/opposite, synonyms
- Jumbled word/sentences, syllables
- Present, past & future simple & continuous tense
(الفظی گنتی: (اکیس تا سو
تخلیقی کاوش
کتاب کی پڑھائی
تفہیم عبارت
Numbers and Arithmetic Operations
- Place value up to 8 – 8-digit numbers
- How to write a number in words and numerals
- Completing sequence of numbers
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Word problems of addition & subtraction
- Multiplication Table 2 – 14
- Division with bigger numbers
- Concept of the terms numerator, denominator, like & unlike fractions, proper & improper & mixed fractions
- Concept of equivalent fractions.
- Adding, subtractions, multiplications & division of fractions
- Conversion/ Concept of units of length, weight, and volume.
- Introduction of solid and hollow shapes, sphere, cylinder, cone, cube & cuboid, Flat & nonflat surface.
- Introduction of rays and lines
- Measurement of line segments
- Type of angles
- Concept of a.m. & p.m.
- Leap year, Months & hours
- Word problems
Parameter and Area
- Concept of parameter and area of square and rectangle
- Area and parameter of irregular shapes
- Oxford Modern Eng. 4
- Storybooks
- Basic vocabulary, Dictation, writing a meaningful sentence with given idioms and phrases
- Letter writing, Application writing, Invitation writing
- Writing a simple story on a given topic (imagination, description, writing)
Comprehension Skills
- Interpretation of a picture or description, analyzing and reasoning about the meaning of tent, perception skills.
- Picture composition
- Complete the story with a suitable title
- Parts of speech, Articles, Singular plural, Compound words, Antonyms, Synonyms, Simile, Transitive & Intransitive verb
- Present, Past & Future simple continuous (affirmative, negative & interrogative)
- Present and past perfect (Affirmative, negative & interrogative)
(گرامر : (فاعل، فعل، مفعول، اسم موصول، اسم ضمیر
تخلیقی کاوش
کتاب کی پڑھائی
املاء پیراگراف
Decimal Numeration System
- Writing and reading numbers in words and figures from 5 digits to 8 digits
- To find the place value of digits in the numeral representation of a number up to 8 digits.
- Comparing and placing in order, (whole number) i.e. ascending and descending order up to millions
- Expanded form and standard form of writing natural numbers
- Interpretation of 6 and 7 digit numbers
- Addition of whole numbers
- Subtraction of whole numbers
- Multiplication of the whole number. In multiplication, the multiplier will be a 2 digit number and multiplicand a 5 digit number.
- Distributive property of multiplication over addition & subtraction.
- Associative properties of addition and multiplication.
- Division, when the divisor is a 2 digit number. Dividend up to 999999
- Mixed operations on whole numbers with the use of brackets (one bracket and 2 operations)
Rounding off (Introduction)
- Rounding off a whole number to the nearest 10
- To the nearest 100
- To the nearest 1000
Shapes and Measures
- Concept and basic knowledge of a point a line, a segment, a ray
- Concept and definition of angle
- Measurement of angles
- Classification of angles (acute, obtuse, right, straight, reflex)
- Sum of measures of the angles of a triangle. To find a measure of an unknown angle of a triangle
- Scalene, Isosceles, Equilateral
- Acute Angled Triangle, Right Angled Triangle, and Obtuse Angled Triangle
- Fractions (Common and Decimal)
- Reduction of common fractions to the simplest form
- Further work on equivalent fractions
- Comparison of common fractions
- Addition and subtraction of:
- Like common fractions (harder problems)
- Unlike common fractions
- Multiplication of fractions (All cases)
- Division of fractions (All cases)
- Introduction of decimal fractions
- Reading numbers involving decimal points
- Place values of digits on the right of the decimal point up to 100ths
- Comparison of decimal fractions
- Addition, subtraction, multiplication & division of decimal fractions
Area and perimeter
- The perimeter of triangular and quadrilateral regions
- Introduction of the term area
- Finding areas of rectangular and square regions with the standard unit (cm2)
- Word problems on area/perimeter
Volume and Capacity
- Introduction of the concept of volume
- Finding the volume of cubes and cuboids by using concrete material.
- Introduction of m3, cm3, mm3
- Concept of capacity and finding capacities of containers by using standard units.
- Introduction of the terms liters and milliliters.
- Word problems on volume and capacity.
- Reading Oxford Modern Eng 5, Short stories, novel
Writing Skills
- Write story/letter report a visitor experience; summarise a text; composition/story writing (narrative, descriptive, imaginative)
- Analyzing and reasoning about the meaning of a text, perception skills
- Parts of speech
- Kinds of noun
- Subject
- Predicate
- Contraction
- Antonyms
- Synonyms
- Homonyms
- Degrees of adjectives
- Changing present tense to past tense
- Direct & indirect
- Active voice and passive voice
- The brain
- Teeth
- Digestion
- Food
Living things
- Life cycle
Material & matter
- Elements
- Water
Sky & Space
- Space travel
The earth & atmosphere
- Pollutions
Electricity & magnetism
- Electricity
Machines, Force & Energy
- Force
Sound and musical/height & color
- Sounds
Whole Number System
- Review of Natural Numbers, Whole Numbers, Even Numbers, and Odd Numbers
- Properties of Numbers (Commutative, Associative and Distributive)
- Writing Whole Numbers in words and figures (Up to 10 billion)
- Reading Whole Numbers (Up to 10 billion)
- Prime Numbers and Composite Numbers
- Multiplication: One of the Numbers in a 3-digit number and the other 5-digit number
- Division: One of the numbers is a 3-digit and the other a 6-digit number
- Emphasis on Word Problems which should be selected from various sources
Rational Numbers (Common and Decimal Fractions)
- Addition of 3 common fractions (to be done after L.C.M)
- Review, revision, and up-gradation of work done up to Class 6
- Conversion of Common Fractions to Decimal Fractions and Vice Versa
- Place values on the right of the decimal point up to thousandths
- Expanded and standard forms of a Rational Number up to thousandths
- Multiplication and Division of Decimal Fractions
- Comparison of Rational Numbers
- Sets of Natural Numbers, Whole Numbers, and Positive Rational Numbers concept of predecessor and successor.
- Rounding off Decimal Fractions (up to three decimal places)
- Use of brackets involving Natural Numbers, Common Fractions, and Decimal Fractions (two brackets in a problem)
- Word problems
- Commutative, Associative, and Distributive properties involving rational number concerning addition and multiplication
- Algebra, Addition, and Subtraction of Algebraic expressions, Word problems involving equations
Mixed operations
- Use of brackets (2 brackets at a time)
G.C.D and L.C.M.
- Short division: Dividend up to 99 and 2,3,5,7 as divisors
- Divisibility and methods to find Factors and Prime Factors
- Factorization and Prime Factorization
- To find G.C.D of two numbers y common factors method and prime factorization method
- Multiples and link between a factor and a multiple
- To find L.C.M of two numbers by common multiples method and prime factorization method
- All numbers up to 99
Essay writing/Short story (about 250 words)
Comprehension Unseen
Story writing/Creative writing (About 125 words)
- Parts of speech
- Kinds of noun
- Subject
- Predicate
- Contraction
- Antonyms
- Synonyms
- Homonyms
- Degrees of adjectives
- Changing present tense to past tense
- Direct & indirect
- Active voice and passive voice
- Tenses (complete)
What is Science?
The Scientific Method, Safety Rules in the Laboratory, Laboratory Apparatus
Measuring Length, Area & Volume
Physical quantities and SI units measuring length, an instrument for measuring length. Measuring area. Measuring volume, meniscus reading, instruments for measuring the volume of liquids.
Time Rate and Speed
The stop clock and stopwatches. Rate of petrol consumption. Rate of volume flow. Using rate to make a comparison. Speed units for speed. The speed equation.
Mass, Density, and Temperature
What is Mass?
Measuring Mass density. Finding the density of a substance. The density equation. Floating and sinking. Temperature. Thermometer.
Matter and its physical properties
Matter, Physical properties of matter, Comparing physical properties of materials. Everyday use of material.
Living in our changing world
What causes change?
Changes caused by heat. Changes caused by light. Changes by mixing. Changes caused by electricity. Chemical reactions
Element – The simplest kind of Matter
What is an element?
Classifying Elements – The periodic table. Group and period. Metals and non-metals. Use of metals and non-metals. Properties and differences between metals and nonmetals. Alloys
Classifying Plants and Animals
Classification of living things. The animal kingdom. Vertebrates and invertebrates. The plant kingdom. Using keys in classification. Wildlife alert.
- Whole Numbers
- Essay writing/Short story (about 350 words)
- Comprehension Unseen
- Account writing (About 175 words)
- Outline Given
- Series of Pictures
- Grammar
Compounds or Mixtures
What is a compound? Some common properties of compounds. How are compounds formed?
Mixtures, Some useful mixtures, some common properties of mixtures
Separating Mixtures
Methods of separating mixtures filtration. Evaporation. Crystallization. Distillation. Fractional distillation. Chromatography.
Composition of air. Why is air a mixture? Identification. Test of Oxygen and Carbon dioxide. Properties of the gases in the air.
Air Pollution
What pollutes the air. Air pollutants. Sulfur dioxide, Carbon monoxide, Oxides of Nitrogen. Lead compounds. CFCs. Cleaning up the Air. Effects of human activities on the environment. The greenhouse effect and global warming. Thinning of Ozone Layer. Acid Rain
Food – Our source of Energy
Food – our source of energy. The main classes of food. Energy value of food. Balancing our diet.
Force and Pressure
What is force? Effects of force. Friction. Uses of friction. Negative effects of friction magnetic force. Gravitation force. Unit of force. Measuring forces. Pressure
Work. Just a change of energy? Doing work. Work is done by a force. Joule (J) – The unit for work and energy. Work and changes in energy.
Turning effect of forces
Effect of forces. The moment of force. Simple machines. Lever – a simple machine. Classes of the lever.
Water pollution
What pollutes our water? Factory waste. Fertilizers. Pesticides. Farm waste. Animal waste. Oil litter. Untreated sewage. Raw sewage. Controlling water pollution.
Effects of heat energy
Thermal expansion and contraction. Thermal expansion and contraction of solids. Metal ball and gauge experiment. Metal ball and ring experiment. Thermal expansion and contraction of liquids and gases. Effects of expansion and contraction in everyday life. Applications of expansion and contraction. The liquid in glass thermometer. Ice and steam point. Measuring temperature.
CHAPTER # 1 Human Organ System
Define Nervous System? Describe the structure and function of the Nervous System.
Describe the working of the Nervous System.
Explain Reflex Action with an Example.
Differentiate between Voluntary and Involuntary Actions.
Define Excretion? Draw And Label Human Excretory System.
Describe the role of the Kidney in the excretion of nitrogenous wastes.
Investigate the possible causes of malfunctioning of kidneys.
Suggest techniques to cure problems of Kidneys.
CHAPTER # 2 Cell Division
Cell Division
Define Mitosis and Meiosis? Differentiate between mitosis and meiosis
Define heredity and recognize its importance in transferring characteristics from parents to offspring
Identify the characteristics that can be transferred from parents to offspring
Compare characteristics related to ear and eye color
CHAPTER # 3 Biotechnology
Define Biotechnology?
Explain how DNA is replicated.
Describe the relationship between DNA, genes, and chromosomes.
Define Bacterium? Explain how genes are introduced in bacteria.
List some biotechnological products used in daily life.
Explain the genetic modification in different foods can increase the number of essential nutrients.
List general application of biotechnology in various fields.
Explain how biotechnology allows meeting the nutritional needs of growing populations.
CHAPTER # 4 Pollutants And Their Effects On Environment
Explain the sources, properties, and harmful effects of air pollutants.
List problems in the human organ system caused by air pollutants.
Explain the Greenhouse effect.
Describe the causes and effect of ozone depletion.
Explain Global Warming.
Explain the formation of Acid rain and identify its consequences on living and nonliving things.
Define Deforestation? Explain the effects of deforestation on the environment and wildlife.
Describe Lack of Natural Resources, Conservation of Resources.
Explain Solid Waste Management
Explain how we are Responsible for cleaning our environment
CHAPTER # 5 Chemical Reactions
Define chemical reaction and give examples
Explain the rearrangement of atoms in chemical reactions.
Explain the balancing of a chemical equation.
Define Law of conservation of Mass.
Identify the nature of Chemical changes in various reactions.
Describe the change in the state of matter in chemical reactions
Explain the types of chemical reactions with examples.
Explain the energy changes in chemical reactions.
Describe the importance of exothermic reactions in daily life.
CHAPTER # 6 Acids, Alkalis / Bases, And Salts
Define the term acid, alkali, and salt.
Describe the properties of acids, alkalis, and salts.
Explain the uses of acids, alkalis, and salts in daily life.
Define Indicators?
Use indicators to identify acids, alkalis, and neutral substances.
Investigate the color changes in the extracts of various flowers and vegetables by adding acids and alkalis
CHAPTER # 7 Force And Pressure
Define the term pressure, Force, Area.
Identify the units of pressure.
Explain hydraulics and hydraulic system by giving examples.
Explain how gases behave under pressure.
Describe the causes of liquid pressure in a closed container.
Describe the causes of gas pressure in a closed container.
Define pneumatics? Explain Applications of compressed air.
Explain the working of Aerosols.
Explain the term Atmospheric pressure
CHAPTER # 8 MEASUREMENT Of Physical Quantities
Define a physical quantity with examples.
Apply the prefixes milli, kilo, centi, and interpret the units.
Interpret SI units in daily life.
Interconvert smaller units and bigger units.
Select and use Measuring instruments Meter Rule, Measuring Cylinder, Flask, and Pipette.
CHAPTER # 9 Sources And Effects Of Heat Energy
Describe the Sources and Effects of heat.
Explain the thermal expansion of Solids, Liquids, Gases.
Explore the effects of expansion and contraction of liquids
Describe the uses of expansion and contraction of liquids.
Explain the Peculiar Behaviour of water during contraction and expansion.
Application of Expansion and contraction of Solids.
Applications Of Bimetallic Strips
Effects of Expansion and contraction of solids in Everyday life.
CHAPTER # 10 Lenses
Define lenses?
Differentiate between different types of lenses.
Describe the image formation using a lens by a ray diagram.
Compare and contrast the Working of the human eye with the lens of a camera.
Explain how the eye focuses by altering the thickness of the lens.
Investigate how the eye gets used to darkness after some time.
Explain how lenses are used to correct short and long-sightedness.
Explain the types of lenses used for various purposes in daily life.
Chapter No. 1 to Chapter No. 7
- Unit No.1:
- Set and kind of sets.
- Define proper subset
- Define power set.
- Define Morgan’s laws.
- Commutative laws of sets union introspection.
- Associative laws of union and introduction.
Exercise No. 1.2
Unit No. 2: Real numbers:
- Rational number.
- Irrational numbers.
- Squares Exercise. 2.2
- Square root.
- By Primary factorization method.
- By Division Method.
Square root of
- Common Fraction
- Common Decimal
Cube and cube roots.
- Perfect cubes.
Unit No. 3 Number system:
- Conversion
- Binary system to decimal system.
- Base system to decimal system
- Octal system to decimal system
(ii) conversion from
- Decimal to the binary system
- Decimal to base 5
- Decimal to octal (base 8)
(iii) Addition subtraction and multiplication.
Unit No. 4: Principal Arithmetic.
- Direct Proportion
- Inverse Proportion
- Compound Proportion
Partnership inheritance:
Unit No.5: Polynomials.
- Algebraic expressions.
- Constant
- Variable
- Literal
- Polynomial
- Polynomial
- Degree of polynomial
- Coefficient of the polynomial.
- Linear polynomial.
- Quadratic polynomial.
- Cubic Polynomial.
- Biquadrate Polynomial.
- Operations of Polynomial:
- Addition
- Subtraction
Unit No. 6 Factorization, simultaneous equation.
(i) Basic Algebraic formulas.
(ii) Factorization (Typers of factorization)
- Type Ka+Kb+Kc
- Type ac+ad+bc+bd
- Type
- Types
- Type
Manipulation of Algebraic expression:
- Formula
- Formula
The solution of a simultaneous linear equation.
- Method of equating the coefficient.
- Method of elimination by substitution.
- Method of cross multiplication.
Unit No. 7 Areas and volumes:
- Pythagoras theorem
- Hero’s Formulas.
- The surface area of a sulphure
- The volume of a sphere.
- The volume of a cone.
Unit No. 8 Information handling.
Measuring of control tendency.
- Mean (Average)
- Weighted mean
- Median
- Mode
Essays. Morning walk, Quaid-e-Azam, Allama Iqbal, My Best Friend, My School, A Road Accident, My Hobby, Sports and Games, A True Muslim, The School Peon,
The postman.
Letters: Letter to your father to send some extra funds, To your brother about the importance of the science subjects,
Applications: For School Leaving certificate, Urgent piece of work at home, For Sick Leave, For remission of fine.
- Use of it and there,
- Use of has, have, and had.
- Use of is, am, are, was, were.
- Present (indefinite, continues, perfect, perfect continues)
- Past (indefinite, continues, perfect, perfect continues)
- Future (indefinite, continues, perfect, perfect continues)
Change of voice.
- Noun
- Pronoun
- Verb
- Adverb
- Adjective
- Conjunction
- Interjection
درد دل کے واسطے ، پیدا کیا انسان کو ، لانس نائیک لال حسین شہید، خون کا بدلہ، پاکستان کے موسم، حضرت عمر بن عبد العزیز ؒ، خدا اس وقت یہ چاہتا ہے کہ ، ننھا مجاہد ۔ | اسباق |
حمد، نعت، ہمارے وطن کا نشان۔ | حصہ نظم |
قائد اعظمؒ، علامہ اقبالؒ، وقت کی پابندی، ہمارا سکول ، ماں باپ کے ساتھ حسن سلوک، ایک دلچسپ سفر۔تندرستی ہزار نعمت، عیدین۔ | مضمون |
لالچ بری بلا ہے۔ اتفاق میں برکت ، سچ میں برکت، جھوٹ کی سزا۔ | کہانیاں |
بیماری، ضروری کام، فیس معافی، حصول سرٹیفکیٹ۔ | درخواستیں |
(الف)والد کےنام (امتحان میں کامیابی کی اطلاع) کا خط ۔ (ب) چچی جان کی خیریت دریافت کرنے کے لیے چچا کے نام خط۔ (ج) دوست کو کامیابی پر مبارک باد کا خط۔ (د) بڑے بھائی کے نام خط ( خیریت دریافت کرنے کے بارے میں) | خطوط |
کلمہ کی اقسام: ( اسم ، فعل، حرف) اسم معرفہ کی اقسام ، اسم نکرہ کی اقسام، اسم کی بناوٹ کے اعتبار سے اقسام ( اسم جامد، اسم مصدر، اسم مشتق) | گرامر |
All assessments are carried out in a relaxed and informal manner. There are no formal end of term tests.
Formal mid-year examination is held at the end of the first term and an annual examination at the conclusion of the final term. In addition to the examination results, the term marks reflect a student’s all round progress, including performance in course-work assignments, projects and tests.
Examinations are modeled on the Divisional Board pattern giving due consideration to the academic attainment targets of the classes concerned. Trial examinations are held in preparation for the final examination after course coverage.
The unified examinations ensure uniformity in syllabus coverage as well as the marking process. These examinations enhance the school’s philosophy of continually working towards academic excellence. Each campus has developed its own examination cell to ensure sanctity of the examination process.
Salient Academic Features
In this age of aimless materialistic and secular approach towards education, Dar-e-Arqam is one of a few pioneer schools of formal education where you may witness quite comfortably, a sublime blend of high standard contemporary education with revealed moral and ethical ethos. This is our dream to equip our students with most modern education along with moral and spiritual training for making them useful citizens and true Muslims in their respective fields. Among traditional religious seminaries and contemporary formal education system, Dar-e-Arqam Schools reflect the goods of both worlds.
Central Departments
Research & Development
R&D functions entail the development of new, improved books supporting the latest pedagogical approach. Compilation of workbooks not only attracts children but also appeals to their psychology providing Day-Wise Planners and Academic Calendar. DAS syllabus is not picked and chosen for what is on the shelves in the market but a masterpiece combination of Islamic and worldly knowledge. R&D focuses on contemporary educational trends contributing towards the holistic development of children.



IT Department
The school management system has been supervised by the IT department. All the data related to student academics i.e., attendance, examinations, results, and timetable updated digitally on DAS mobile application and software, which is easily accessible to parents. Likewise, basic computer training has been provided to staff and students through a customized curriculum, to get them up to speed with the latest technology.
Training and monitoring Department functions with a vision to develop a motivated, proactive. dedicated and disciplined team of “Educators” through high-quality capacity building for top-class service delivery, and is striving hard to train the maximum number of Teachers & staff members. It is the apex training department responsible for imparting quality training to the management and all levels of team members in our schools throughout the Region. In order to inculcate requisite attitudes, skills, and behaviors and to deliver education efficiently and effectively.
Training & Monitoring


Senior Classes


Hifz e Quran and Nazra Quran
Dar-e-Arqam is the trailblazer of launching Hifz class to give an overriding status to the noble practise of committing the Holy Quran to memory. Hifz Classes enjoy a VIP status with well-furnished and fully air-conditioned classrooms. These Students are also kept closer to the basic know-how of formal education. Moreover, Special Arrangement has been made for proper teaching of Nazra Quran to all students of regular classes simultaneously with the general education.
Emphasis on Islamic education
A special period is designated for students of all the class levels in which basic Islamic values and manners regarding routine matters of personal life have been taught according to the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah.




DAS has well-researched “centralized examination system” executed at the end of two academic terms within a year. Alongside, there are two mid-term exams to further strengthen the system and to enable the student to prepare themselves for final exams. While daily, weekly and quarterly test system have been developed especially for 8th, 9th and 10th classes. Before the board examinations, 45 days rigorous revision test system has been introduced for student’s preparation in line with Sargodha board examination pattern.
Junior Classes
Total Child Development Program (TCDP)
For the first time in Pakistan, Dar-e-Arqam schools have introduced a comprehensive value education program comprising of theme-based TCDP books and assembly manuals. TCDP has been designed to ensure our student development reaching beyond the scope of curricula. It targets holistic growth including social, physical, emotional, verbal, and spiritual aspects of a child’s life, making this program a recipe for creating responsible citizens and good Muslims.




Scarlett Series
An attractive Activity/creativity-based/Fun for Learn Curriculum designed for Montessori classes in line with modern trends of early childhood education.
- A set of 6 readers.
- Workbooks for a whole year.
- Mobile applications for the creative development of our children.
- Helping kit for teachers.
- Activity-based assessments and learning.
- Teacher’s manual containing daily plans and activities.
- 3D classroom model.
Activity-Based Learning
Activity-based learning especially in Junior Classes is assured to clear the concepts & develop a better understanding of different ideas. It is a comprehensively designed preschool curriculum that focuses on hands-on or activity-based learning for Montessori. Theme-based activities have been conducted throughout the year planned around children’s interests, curiosity, and their natural quest for knowledge. It fosters the preschooler’s growth and encourages interaction.

